RoundedProgressBar — “круглый” прогресс-бар с настраиваемым загруглением в углах, анимацией индикатора и текста, автоматической подстройкой под ориентацию устройства и и т.п.
Пример использования:
setProgressPercentage(progressPercentage: Double, shouldAnimate: Boolean = true) getProgressPercentage(): Double setProgressDrawableColor(@ColorInt newColor: Int) // Sets the color of the 'progress' part of the progress bar setBackgroundDrawableColor(@ColorInt newColor: Int) // Sets the color of the 'background' part of the progress bar setProgressTextColor(@ColorInt newColor: Int) // Sets text color for when it is drawn over the progress part of progress bar setBackgroundTextColor(@ColorInt newColor: Int) // Sets text color for when it is drawn over the background part of progress bar setCornerRadius( topLeftRadius: Float, topRightRadius: Float, bottomRightRadius: Float, bottomLeftRadius: Float ) setTextSize(newTextSize: Float) setTextPadding(newTextPadding: Float) // Sets the padding between the progress text and end (or start) of the progress bar setAnimationLength(newAnimationLength: Long) showProgressText(shouldShowProgressText: Boolean) setRadiusRestricted(isRestricted: Boolean) setOnlyShowTrue0(shouldOnlyShowTrue0: Boolean) // If true the progress bar will not allow non zero values to round down to "0%" setOnlyShowTrue100(shouldOnlyShowTrue100: Boolean) // If true the progress bar will not allow non '100' values to round up to "100%"