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Font modifiers in SwiftUI Using ViewThatFits to Create a More Accessible List Cell in SwiftUI Testing the Untestable Writing a chess app AnchoredRelativeFormatStyle: The Hidden Replacement for Date RelativeFormatStyle Automatic Trait Tracking iOS Developer Toolset to boost productivity Introducing Swift Testing. Parameterized Tests. How to identify data in Lists and ForEach in SwiftUI Automate Apple app code signing using fastlane match The End of Singleton? Why Swift 6 Actors Are the Future of iOS Development Apple is Killing Swift Advanced Swift Concurrency So how does this whole @preconcurrency thing work? What on earth is going on with awakeFromNib? Detecting hand pose with the Vision framework SwiftUI Tutorials: Building a Relaxing Sudoku App from Scratch The Composable Architecture (TCA) — New Project Setup in SwiftUI using XCode 16 and Swift Testing SwiftUI Navigation Stack Hero Animation — iOS 17 & 18 Google Engineer Explains How to Integrate Gemini AI in iOS Reading and Parsing CSV Files in Swift Github Copilot for Xcode: Let’s Explore and Discover Mediator Pattern in Swift: Explaining a Real-World Example from My Job Expandable Custom Slider SwiftUIFormValidator — проверка форм для SwiftUI Mockolo — эффективный генератор моков для Swift
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Inspektify got even better Putting the Genie in the bottle Credential Manager Comparing SupervisorScope with viewModelScope Centered Slider in Jetpack Compose Skipping the invocation of intermediate composables Dealing with Android’s peculiar bugs as an app developer Everything you need to know about Android on Raspberry Pi Running Android on Amazon EKS The two best ways to secure your API keys in Android projects Android Screenshot Testing — Boosting your CI pipeline Exploring the Secrets of Dispatchers Default and IO in Kotlin Coroutines Modeling ViewModel State in Android: A Guide to Clean, Scalable Patterns How to force update (& test) your Android app using Google’s in-app update library Emulating classes with functions in Kotlin for maximum performance Google Maps in Jetpack Compose: Circles Mastering runCatching in Kotlin: How to Avoid Coroutine Cancellation Issues Leak detection using UI tests Top 5 Extension Functions Every Jetpack Compose Developer Should Have Android System Design Interview Questions and Answers Animating the Airbnb Logo in Jetpack Compose Building consistency at scale: Our journey with Compose Design System Building a Simple Camera2 API App with Jetpack Compose Ultra HDR images | Android Build Time Exploring Android Trunk-Stable & Aconfig Previewing the Unpreviewable — Placeholder Previews in Compose How to Create Material3 List Items With THIS Composable Fun with Function Types in Kotlinм Wave Progress Compose — волновой прогресс-бар LibreSudoku — судоку на Kotlin, Jetpack Compose и Material3 Lumolight — современный фонарик
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Extension Shadowing for Actual Declarations in KMP Mix Native iOS Views in Compose Multiplatform With Touchlab’s New Library Developing iOS & Android Home Screen Widgets in Flutter North Korean hackers create Flutter apps to bypass macOS security Cozy Data — A Swift-inspired Persistent Data Solution for Flutter Discussion: MVVM pattern for Flutter apps Design System from scratch in Flutter Mastering Detox for React Native How to Use Flutter Secure Storage to Keep Your App’s Data Safe Optimizing Flutter Apps with RepaintBoundary This needs to stop (Flock) How to Monitor Internet Connection Continuously in Flutter: A Step-by-Step Guide Flutter Full Stack Tutorial – Spotify Clone w/ MVVM Architecture, Python, FastAPI, Riverpod Mix Native iOS Views in Compose Multiplatform With Touchlab’s New Library
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Аналитика, маркетинг и монетизация
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