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- SOLID в Swift. Простое объяснение с примерами для начинающих
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iOS 17 VisualEffect & ScrollTransition APIs — Circular Carousel Slider iOS Dev Job Interview — Must Know Topics Swift Variadic Parameters Swift Observation from Scratch SwiftUI: Trailing label TextField Embracing CloudKit SwiftUI Data Flow 2023 Create an Interactive Widget Using App Intents Async Animations in SwiftUI DI in SwiftUI Animate SF Symbols with symbolEffect Cleaner Views: Clean Code in SwiftUI 10 More Deadly SwiftUI Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Slow architecture in Swift iOS 17 @Observable and the Observation Framework App Intents Spotlight integration using Shortcuts CollectionOfOne in Swift Demystifying Opaque Types in Swift A Deep Dive Into Observation: A New Way to Boost SwiftUI Performance Data-Oriented-Design — A Swift Introduction Mastering Swift Foundation Formatter API. Custom Format Styles SwiftUI apps at scale Swift Observation from Scratch Difference Between Implicit and Explicit Animations in SwiftUI The Ultimate Guide to Building SwiftData Applications Billboard: красивая и безопасная реклама iOS Learning Materials: обучающие материалы по iOS-разработке
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Foreground Services — Android Basics 2023 Broadcasts & Broadcast Receivers — Android Basics 2023 What’s new in Kotlin 1.9.0 Migrate RecyclerView to Lazy list Two-Way Communication Between Fragments in a Multi-Module Android Project while maintaining loose coupling Animated action menu Build Interactive Live Streaming Android App with Video SDK using Java Exploring SharedFlow in Kotlin: Understanding tryEmit() and the Importance of Buffers Paging in Android Jetpack compose: from caching data with Room to displaying in Lazycolumn Reduce Boilerplate When Running Kotlin Tests Build a Simple Sort and Filter Screen in Your Android App Efficient Ways of Using Location Services in Kotlin Android Apps Creating and publishing your own Android library in Kotlin The beauty of Kotlin type system TextInputLayout Censoring with Password-like Method Experimenting with Android Studio Bot Unlocking the power of Jetpack Compose, Fragments, Stateflow, and ViewModels: A Comprehensive Guide A flexible, modern Android app architecture: complete step-by-step Native UI and multiplatform Compose with Redwood How to build a Clean SSEClient Flow Implementing Single Source of Truth in Android Migrating from Android API level 30 to 31/32 or App Crashing After Updating Target SDK Okio: I/O библиотека для Android, Java и Kotlin Multiplatform Amethyst: клиент Nostr для Android Paraphrase: типобезопасные форматеры для строк
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Аналитика, маркетинг и монетизация
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AI, Устройства, IoT
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Building Real-time Machine Learning Foundations at Lyft