Apple закрывает аккаунты разработчиков из Крыма
Ранее уже Odesk и Elance закрыли аккаунты фрилансеров из этого региона.
Один из зарегистрированных разработчиков Apple пишет на Хабре, что компания заблокировала его аккаунт из-за того, что он находится в Крыму.
Dear Vladimir,
This letter serves as notice of termination of the Registered Apple Developer Agreement (the “RAD Agreement”) between you and Apple, effective immediately.
Apple may terminate your status as a Registered Apple Developer at any time at its sole discretion under the RAD Agreement. The new sanctions on the Crimea Region announced by the US Government on December 19, 2014 and announced by the European Commission on December 18, 2014 prohibit the continuation of the RAD Agreement between you and Apple. For more information, please review Executive Order 13685 and the European Commission notice.
We would like to remind you of your obligations with regard to all software and other confidential information that you obtained from Apple as a Registered Apple Developer. You must promptly cease all use of and destroy such materials and comply with all the other termination obligations set forth in the RAD Agreement.
Apple Inc.
Ранее уже Odesk и Elance закрыли аккаунты фрилансеров из этого региона.
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