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Google [Mobile Backend Starter]




The easiest way for mobile developers to get started on Google Cloud Platform

  • Optional server-side coding: Control your cloud service using Android and iOS client libraries.
  • Cloud Datastore: Store millions of objects in the cloud and manage them from your app.
  • Push Notifications: Send and broadcast objects as messages via Apple Push Notifications and Google Cloud Messaging.
  • Event Driven Programming: Create real-time interactive user experiences using Continuous Queries.
  • User authentication Authenticate users using Google Accounts.
  • Per-object access: Prevent users from accessing private data using our authentication model.
  • Built to scale: Mobile backend runs on App Engine infrastructure to scale to millions of users within hours (App Engine pricing applies).

The mobile backend starter sample provides a ready-to-deploy, general purpose cloud backend along with Android and iOS clients with client-side framework classes. Together, these free you from learning how to code for the cloud, so you can focus on your mobile app behavior and UI.

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