В своем продукте Mobile Action помогает разработчикам отслеживать позиции своих приложений, наблюдать за конкурентами, оптимизировать ключевые слова, название и описание, работать с рекламными сетями и вести...
You can use Keyword Planner to find new keyword and ad group ideas, get performance estimates for them to find the bid and budget that are...
appnique is a platform for product managers and marketers to optimize mobile app user acquisition (UA) through both organic app store SEO (ASO), as well as...
Windows Azure — название платформы «облачных сервисов» от Microsoft, с помощью которой можно размещать в «облачных» датацентрах Microsoft и «виртуально»-неограниченно масштабировать приложения. Windows Azure реализует модель...
Titanium Cloud Services is a Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS), offering a fast and easy way to build connected mobile apps. Choose from a library...
The StackMob platform provides a datastore API, development and production environments, API versions, collaboration, server-side custom code and much more. All the features and extendibility you...
HTML5 is the clear choice for creating high-performance apps for today’s multi-device world. But, businesses have struggled to deploy, provision, and manage HTML5 apps to their...
You want to create a mobile or HTML5 application using the latest technologies to be able to compete in todays crazy startup market. You have great...
QuickBlox brings superpowers to your mobile apps! Developers can very easily add our SDK to their apps to add a number of reusable functions to their...
PubNub set out in 2009 to develop a real-time network for developers to build real-time apps as easily as building a web page. The PubNub Real-Time...
Proxomo is a leading Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) and mobile solution provider. The company makes it easy for developers to design, develop, setup and maintain a store-ready or...
Parse предлагает разработчикам услуги уведомлений, управления пользователями, хранения данных, хостинга, социальные инструменты и некоторые другие функции, упрощающие разработку приложений. Полагаясь на эти облачные сервисы, разработчикам не...
Mobile apps need critical yet different care in two phases: During development and after launch. During development you need to be quick to build it before...
NativeX – ведущая платформа монетизации для экономики приложений. Лучшие форматы рекламы и масса информации для принятия решений позволяют вам максимизировать вашу прибыль для создания успешного бизнеса...
The easiest way for mobile developers to get started on Google Cloud Platform Optional server-side coding: Control your cloud service using Android and iOS client libraries....
Do you have a great mobile app idea and required backend? Get started in no time with hassle free mobDB backend service. Our complete backend solution...
Знаменитый курс Стэнфордского университета, посвященный Objective-C и программированию для iOS. Доступен в iTunesU.
mAppBridge is a cloud-based data connectivity service that enables excellent user experience, dramatically reduces development costs and reduces data traffic and power consumption. The mAppBridge software...
LeanEngine is an open source project aiming at making the development of cloud-enabled mobile applications really simple, fast and fun. It consists of a pre-configured Google App...
Kumulos is a cloud Backend as a Service (BaaS) for mobile apps. We provide a stable, scalable, and secure platform to build your iPhone and Android...